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property guarantee中文是什么意思

用"property guarantee"造句"property guarantee"怎么读"property guarantee" in a sentence


  • 财产担保


  • Macro - comparison on the movable property guarantee system between two legal systems
  • There was no institutional assurance at that time , property guarantee and human relationship were foundations of mediacy credit
  • The rule that damage shall be compensated is applicable to tort , meanwhile , the property guarantee system shall be established
  • Article 7 in the purchase or use of a commodity or receipt of a service , a consumer shall have the right to the safety of person and property guaranteed
  • One problem , among them , is that the emerging hostage has not been confirmed by law . the management right of real property guarantee ( mrrpg ) is a new property right under market economy condition
  • The nature of the ownership retention , from the point of debt guarantee , is one of the methods of property guarantee and may not be a part of the legal system of real rights of guarantee and , from the point of the ownership transfer , is ownership transfer with suspending condition
  • In the recent economic activity , in order to make maximum profits , it is not rarely that business runner takes the advantage of the right of independent value to make it as a guarantee . unfortunately , because of law ' s failure to provide the guarantee right definitely and illustratively , the court often invalid the activity , consequently , the proper right cannot be protected from law it deserved , which results in the normal economic activity is barricaded unreasonably , and the perfect and most typical guarantee cannot play its own role fully . in view of this , in many new property guarantee , such as mrrpg , mining right guarantee , fishery right guarantee , and stall right guarantee , and so on , the present author choose the frequent - used mrrpg as the research target
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